Source code for oauth_dropins.wordpress_rest

""" OAuth drop-in.

API docs:

Note that unlike Blogger and Tumblr,'s OAuth tokens are *per
blog*. It asks you which blog to use on its authorization page.

Also, doesn't let you use an oauth redirect URL with "local" or
"localhost" anywhere in it. : / A common workaround is to map an arbitrary host
to localhost in your /etc/hosts, e.g.:

You can then test on your local machine by running dev_appserver and opening instead of http://localhost:8080/ .

import json
import logging
import urllib
import urllib2

import appengine_config
import handlers
from models import BaseAuth
from webutil import util

from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from webob import exc

# URL templates. Can't (easily) use urllib.urlencode() because I want to keep
# the %(...)s placeholders as is and fill them in later in code.
GET_AUTH_CODE_URL = str('&'.join((
    'scope=',  # wordpress doesn't seem to use scope
    # redirect_uri here must be the same in the access token request!

[docs]class WordPressAuth(BaseAuth): """An authenticated WordPress user or page. Provides methods that return information about this user (or page) and make OAuth-signed requests to the WordPress REST API. Stores OAuth credentials in the datastore. See models.BaseAuth for usage details. WordPress-specific details: implements urlopen() but not http() or api(). The key name is the blog hostname. """ blog_id = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) blog_url = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) access_token_str = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) user_json = ndb.TextProperty()
[docs] def site_name(self): return 'WordPress'
[docs] def user_display_name(self): """Returns the blog hostname. """ if self.user_json: user = json.loads(self.user_json) return user.get('display_name') or user.get('username') else: return self.key.string_id()
[docs] def access_token(self): """Returns the OAuth access token string. """ return self.access_token_str
[docs] def urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): """Wraps urllib2.urlopen() and adds OAuth credentials to the request. """ kwargs.setdefault('headers', {})['authorization'] = \ 'Bearer ' + self.access_token_str try: return util.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, **kwargs)) except BaseException, e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) raise
[docs]class StartHandler(handlers.StartHandler): """Starts WordPress auth. Requests an auth code and expects a redirect back. """
[docs] def redirect_url(self, state=None): assert (appengine_config.WORDPRESS_CLIENT_ID and appengine_config.WORDPRESS_CLIENT_SECRET), ( "Please fill in the wordpress.com_client_id and " "wordpress.com_client_secret files in your app's root directory.") # TODO: CSRF protection return str(GET_AUTH_CODE_URL % { 'client_id': appengine_config.WORDPRESS_CLIENT_ID, 'redirect_uri': urllib.quote_plus(self.to_url()), 'state': urllib.quote_plus(state if state else ''), })
[docs]class CallbackHandler(handlers.CallbackHandler): """The OAuth callback. Fetches an access token and stores it. """
[docs] def get(self): # handle errors error = self.request.get('error') if error: error_description = urllib.unquote_plus( self.request.get('error_description', '')) if error == 'access_denied':'User declined: %s', error_description) self.finish(None, state=self.request.get('state')) return else: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest('Error: %s %s ' % (error, error_description)) # extract auth code and request access token auth_code = util.get_required_param(self, 'code') data = { 'code': auth_code, 'client_id': appengine_config.WORDPRESS_CLIENT_ID, 'client_secret': appengine_config.WORDPRESS_CLIENT_SECRET, # redirect_uri here must be the same in the oauth code request! # (the value here doesn't actually matter since it's requested server side.) 'redirect_uri': self.request.path_url, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', } resp = util.urlopen(GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, data=urllib.urlencode(data)).read() logging.debug('Access token response: %s', resp) try: resp = json.loads(resp) blog_id = resp['blog_id'] blog_url = resp['blog_url'] blog_domain = util.domain_from_link(resp['blog_url']) access_token = resp['access_token'] except: logging.exception('Could not decode JSON') raise auth = WordPressAuth(id=blog_domain, blog_id=blog_id, blog_url=blog_url, access_token_str=access_token) auth.user_json = auth.urlopen(API_USER_URL).read() auth.put() self.finish(auth, state=self.request.get('state'))