Source code for oauth_dropins.views

"""Base OAuth flow views. Clients should use the individual site modules.

Example usage::

    app = Flask()
                     view_func=twitter.Start.as_view('start', '/callback'),
                     view_func=twitter.Callback.as_view('callback', '/after'))
import logging
import urllib.parse

import flask
from flask import request
from flask.views import View

from .webutil import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class BaseView(View): """Base view class. Provides the to() factory method. Attributes: DEFAULT_SCOPE (str): default OAuth scope(s) to request SCOPE_SEPARATOR (str): used to separate multiple scopes LABEL (str): human-readable label, eg 'Blogger' NAME (str): module name; usually same as `__name__.split('.')[-1]` to_path (str): the base redirect URL path for the OAuth callback scope (str): OAuth scopes, comma-separated """ DEFAULT_SCOPE = '' SCOPE_SEPARATOR = ',' LABEL = None NAME = None to_path = None scope = None def __init__(self, to_path, scopes=None): super().__init__() assert to_path self.to_path = to_path self.scope = self.make_scope_str(scopes)
[docs] @classmethod def make_scope_str(cls, extra): """Returns an OAuth scopes query parameter value. Combines :attr:`DEFAULT_SCOPE` and extra. Args: extra (sequence of str, or None) """ if not extra: return cls.DEFAULT_SCOPE if not isinstance(extra, str): extra = cls.SCOPE_SEPARATOR.join(extra) return cls.SCOPE_SEPARATOR.join(util.trim_nulls((cls.DEFAULT_SCOPE, extra)))
[docs] def to_url(self, state=None): """Returns a fully qualified callback URL based on ``to_path``. Includes scheme, host, and optional state. """ url = urllib.parse.urljoin(request.host_url, self.to_path) if state: # unquote first or state will be double-quoted state = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(state) url = util.add_query_params(url, [('state', state)]) return url
[docs] def request_url_with_state(self): """Returns the current request URL, with the state query param if provided.""" state = request.values.get('state') if state: return util.add_query_params(request.base_url, [('state', state)]) else: return request.base_url
[docs] class Start(BaseView): """Base class for starting an OAuth flow. Users should use the :meth:`to` class method when using this view in a WSGI application. See the file docstring for details. If the ``state`` query parameter is provided in the request data, it will be returned to the client in the OAuth callback view. If the ``scope`` query parameter is provided, it will be added to the existing OAuth scopes. Alternatively, clients may call :meth:`redirect_url` and HTTP 302 redirect to it manually, which will start the same OAuth flow. """
[docs] def dispatch_request(self): scopes = set(request.values.getlist('scope')) if self.scope: scopes.add(self.scope) self.scope = self.SCOPE_SEPARATOR.join(util.trim_nulls(scopes)) # str() is since WSGI middleware chokes on unicode redirect URLs :/ eg: # InvalidResponseError: header values must be str, got 'unicode' (u'...') for 'Location' # url = str(self.redirect_url(state=request.values.get('state')))'Starting OAuth flow: redirecting to {url}') return flask.redirect(url)
[docs] def redirect_url(self, state=None): """Returns the local URL for the OAuth service to redirect back to. Subclasses must implement this. Args: state (str): user-provided value to be returned as a query parameter in the return redirect """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @classmethod def button_html(cls, to_path, form_classes='', form_method='post', form_extra='', image_prefix='', image_file=None, input_style='', scopes='', outer_classes=''): """Returns an HTML string with a login form and button for this site. Args: to_path (str): path or URL for the form to POST to form_classes (str): optional, HTML classes to add to the <form> form_classes (str): optional, HTML classes to add to the outer <div> form_method (str): optional, form action ie HTTP method, eg 'get'; defaults to 'post' form_extra (str): optional, extra HTML to insert inside the <form> before the button scopes (str): optional, OAuth scopes to override site's default(s) image_prefix (str): optional, prefix to add to the beginning of image URL path, eg '/oauth_dropins/' image_file (str): optional, image filename. defaults to [cls.NAME].png input_style (str): optional, inline style to apply to the button <input> Returns: str: """ if image_file is None: image_file = f'{cls.NAME}_2x.png' vars = locals() vars.update({ 'label': cls.LABEL, 'image': urllib.parse.urljoin(image_prefix, image_file), }) html = f"""<form method="{vars['form_method']}" action="{vars['to_path']}" class="{vars['form_classes']}"> <nobr> {vars['form_extra']} <input type="image" height="50" title="{vars['label']}" class="shadow" src="{vars['image']}" style="{vars['input_style']}" /> <input name="scope" type="hidden" value="{vars['scopes']}"> </nobr> </form> """ if outer_classes: html = f'<div class="{outer_classes}">{html}</div>' return html
[docs] class Callback(BaseView): """Base OAuth callback view. Users can use :meth:`to` when using this view in a WSGI application to make it redirect to a given URL path on completion. See the file docstr for details. Alternatively, you can subclass it and implement :meth:`finish`, which will be called in the OAuth callback request directly, after the user has been authenticated. The auth entity and optional state parameter provided to Start will be passed to :meth:`finish` or as query parameters to the redirect URL. """
[docs] def finish(self, auth_entity, state=None): """Called when the OAuth flow is complete. Clients may override. Args: auth_entity (models.BaseAuth): resulting auth entity, or None if the user declined the site's OAuth authorization request. state (str): passed to :meth:`Start.redirect_url` Returns: werkzeug.wrappers.Response: """ if auth_entity is None: params = [('declined', True)] else: params = [('auth_entity', auth_entity.key.urlsafe().decode()), ('state', state)] try: token = auth_entity.access_token() if isinstance(token, str): params.append(('access_token', token)) elif token: params += [('access_token_key', token[0]), ('access_token_secret', token[1])] except NotImplementedError:'access_token() not implemented') try: token = auth_entity.refresh_token params.append(('refresh_token', token)) except AttributeError:'refresh_token not included') url = util.add_query_params(self.to_path, params)'Finishing OAuth flow: redirecting to {url}') return flask.redirect(url)