Source code for oauth_dropins.webutil.flask_util

"""Utilities for Flask. View classes, decorators, URL route converters, etc."""
import functools
import logging
import os
import re
import urllib.parse

import flask
from flask import abort, get_flashed_messages, make_response, redirect, render_template, request
from flask.views import View
from import ndb
import werkzeug.exceptions
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequestKeyError, HTTPException
from werkzeug.routing import BaseConverter

from . import util

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Modern HTTP headers for CORS, CSP, other security, etc.
  'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': '*',
  'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': '*',
  'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
  # see
    "script-src https: localhost:8080 'unsafe-inline'; "
    "frame-ancestors 'self'; ",
  # 16070400 seconds is 6 months
  'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=16070400; preload',
  'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff',
  'X-Frame-Options': 'SAMEORIGIN',
  'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block',


# A few extra non-error HTTPExceptions
[docs] class Created(HTTPException): code = 201 description = 'Created'
[docs] class Accepted(HTTPException): code = 202 description = 'Accepted'
[docs] class NoContent(HTTPException): code = 204 description = 'No Content'
[docs] class Redirect(HTTPException): def __init__(self, *args, location=None, **kwargs): # this evidently isn't provided when flask-caching unpickles a pickled instance # assert location self.location = location super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_headers(self, *args, **kwargs): return {'Location': self.location}
[docs] class MovedPermanently(Redirect): code = 301 description = 'Moved Permanently'
[docs] class Found(Redirect): code = 302 description = 'Found'
[docs] class NotModified(HTTPException): code = 304 description = 'Not Modified'
[docs] class PaymentRequired(HTTPException): code = 402 description = 'Payment Required'
[docs] class ProxyAuthenticationRequired(HTTPException): code = 407 description = 'Proxy Authentication Required'
[docs] class MisdirectedRequest(HTTPException): code = 421 description = 'Misdirected Request'
[docs] class UpgradeRequired(HTTPException): code = 426 description = 'Upgrade Required'
[docs] class PreconditionRequired(HTTPException): code = 428 description = 'Precondition Required'
[docs] class ClientClosedRequest(HTTPException): code = 499 description = 'Client Closed Request'
[docs] class VariantAlsoNegotiates(HTTPException): code = 506 description = 'Variant Also Negotiates'
[docs] class InsufficientStorage(HTTPException): code = 507 description = 'Insufficient Storage'
[docs] class LoopDetected(HTTPException): code = 508 description = 'Loop Detected'
[docs] class NotExtended(HTTPException): code = 510 description = 'Not Extended'
[docs] class NetworkAuthenticationRequired(HTTPException): code = 511 description = 'Network Authentication Required'
[docs] class NetworkConnectTimeoutError(HTTPException): code = 599 description = 'Network Connect Timeout Error'
for cls in ( Created, Accepted, NoContent, MovedPermanently, Found, NotModified, PaymentRequired, ProxyAuthenticationRequired, MisdirectedRequest, UpgradeRequired, PreconditionRequired, ClientClosedRequest, VariantAlsoNegotiates, InsufficientStorage, LoopDetected, NotExtended, NetworkAuthenticationRequired, NetworkConnectTimeoutError, ): # werkzeug.exceptions.default_exceptions.setdefault(cls.code, cls) werkzeug.exceptions._aborter.mapping.setdefault(cls.code, cls)
[docs] class RegexConverter(BaseConverter): """Regexp URL route for Werkzeug/Flask. Based on Usage:: @app.route('/<regex("abc|def"):letters>') Install with:: app.url_map.converters['regex'] = RegexConverter """ def __init__(self, url_map, *items): super(RegexConverter, self).__init__(url_map) self.regex = items[0]
[docs] def get_required_param(name): """Returns the given request parameter. If it's not in a query parameter or POST field, the current HTTP request aborts with status 400. """ try: val = request.values.get(name) except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError) as e: abort(400, f"Couldn't decode parameters as UTF-8: {e}") if not val: abort(400, f'Missing required parameter: {name}') return val
[docs] def ndb_context_middleware(app, client=None, **kwargs): """WSGI middleware to add an NDB context per request. Follows the WSGI standard. Details: Install with eg:: ndb_client = ndb.Client() app = Flask('my-app') app.wsgi_app = flask_util.ndb_context_middleware(app.wsgi_app, ndb_client) Background: Args: client: :class:`` kwargs: passed through to :meth:`` """ def wrapper(environ, start_response): if ndb.context.get_context(raise_context_error=False): # someone else (eg a unit test harness) has already created a context return app(environ, start_response) with client.context(**kwargs): return app(environ, start_response) return wrapper
[docs] def handle_exception(e): """Flask error handler that propagates HTTP exceptions into the response. Install with:: app.register_error_handler(Exception, handle_exception) """ if isinstance(e, BadRequestKeyError): if e.args: e._description = f'Missing required parameter: {e.args[0]}' else: e.show_exception = True logger.error(f'{e.__class__}: {e}') if isinstance(e, HTTPException): # raised by this app itself, pass it through. use body and headers from # response if available (but not status code). resp = e.get_response() if resp: resp.status_code = e.code return resp else: return str(e), e.code code, body = util.interpret_http_exception(e) if code: return ((f'Upstream server request failed: {e}' if code in ('502', '504') else f'HTTP Error {code}: {body}'), int(code), {'Content-Type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'}) raise e
[docs] def error(msg, status=400, exc_info=False, **kwargs): """Logs and returns an HTTP error via :class:`werkzeug.exceptions.HTTPException`. Args: msg (str) status (int) exc_info: Python exception info three-tuple, eg from :func:`sys.exc_info` kwargs: passed through to :func:`flask.abort` """'Returning {status}: {msg} {kwargs}', exc_info=exc_info) abort(int(status), msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def flash(msg, **kwargs): """Wrapper for :func:`flask.flash`` that also logs the message.""" flask.flash(msg, **kwargs)'Flashed message: {msg}')
[docs] def default_modern_headers(resp): """Include modern HTTP headers by default, but let the response override them. Install with:: app.after_request(default_modern_headers) """ for name, value in MODERN_HEADERS.items(): resp.headers.setdefault(name, value) return resp
[docs] def cached(cache, timeout, headers=(), http_5xx=False): """Thin flask-cache wrapper that supports timedelta and cache query param. If the ``cache`` URL query parameter is ``false``, skips the cache. Also, does not store the response in the cache if it's an HTTP 5xx or if there are any flashed messages. Args: cache (:class:`flask_caching.Cache`) timeout (:class:`datetime.timedelta`) headers: sequence of str, optional headers to include in the cache key http_5xx (bool): optional, whether to cache HTTP 5xx (server error) responses """ # TODO: make new thread-safe Cache subclass # for eg;time=P30D?project=brid-gy def response_filter(resp): """Return False if the response shouldn't be cached.""" resp = make_response(resp) return (not get_flashed_messages() and 'Set-Cookie' not in resp.headers and (http_5xx or resp.status_code // 100 != 5)) def unless(): return bool(request.args.get('cache', '').lower() == 'false' or request.cookies) def decorator(f): # catch werkzeug HTTPExceptions, eg raised by abort(), and return them # instead of letting them propagate, so that flask-cache can cache them @functools.wraps(f) def httpexception_to_return(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except HTTPException as e: return e decorated = cache.cached( timeout.total_seconds(), query_string=True, response_filter=response_filter, unless=unless, )(httpexception_to_return) # include specified headers in cache key: # orig_cache_key = decorated.make_cache_key def make_cache_key(*args, **kwargs): header_vals = ' '.join(request.headers.get(h, '') for h in sorted(headers)) # an alternative to including host_url would be to pass # key_prefix=f'view/{request.base_url}' to cache.cached above, but # flask-caching doesn't currently support query_string and key_prefix # together :( # k = f'{request.host_url} {orig_cache_key(*args, **kwargs)} {header_vals}' if request.method != 'GET': k = f'{request.method} {k}' return k decorated.make_cache_key = make_cache_key return decorated return decorator
[docs] def cloud_tasks_only(fn): """Flask decorator that returns HTTP 401 if the request isn't from Cloud Tasks. Must be used *below* :meth:`flask.Flask.route`, eg:: @app.route('/path') @cloud_tasks_only def handler(): ... """ @functools.wraps(fn) def decorator(*args, **kwargs): if CLOUD_TASKS_QUEUE_HEADER not in request.headers: return 'Internal only', 401"Running {request.headers.get('X-AppEngine-QueueName')} task {request.headers.get('X-AppEngine-TaskName')}") return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorator
[docs] def canonicalize_domain(from_domains, to_domain): """WSGI middleware that redirects one or more domains to a canonical domain. Preserves scheme, path, and query. Install with eg:: app = flask.Flask(...) app.before_request(canonicalize_domain(('', ''), '')) Args: from_domains: str or sequence of str to_domain: str """ if isinstance(from_domains, str): from_domains = [from_domains] def fn(): parts = list(urllib.parse.urlparse(request.url)) # not using because it includes port if parts[1] in from_domains: # netloc parts[1] = to_domain return redirect(urllib.parse.urlunparse(parts), code=301) return fn
[docs] def canonicalize_request_domain(from_domains, to_domain): """Flask handler decorator that redirects to a canonical domain. Use *below* :meth:`flask.Flask.route`, eg:: @app.route('/path') @canonicalize_request_domain('', '') def handler(): ... Args: from_domains: str or sequence of str to_domain: str """ def decorator(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): return canonicalize_domain(from_domains, to_domain)() or fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated return decorator
[docs] class XrdOrJrd(View): """Renders and serves an XRD or JRD file. JRD is served if the request path ends in .jrd or .json, or the format query parameter is ``jrd`` or ``json``, or the request`s Accept header includes ``jrd`` or ``json``. XRD is served if the request path ends in .xrd or .xml, or the format query parameter is ``xml`` or ``xrd``, or the request's Accept header includes ``xml`` or ``xrd``. Otherwise, defaults to DEFAULT_TYPE. Subclasses must override :meth:`template_prefix()`` and :meth:`template_vars()``. URL route variables are passed through to :meth:`template_vars()`` as keyword args. """ JRD = 'jrd' XRD = 'xrd' DEFAULT_TYPE = JRD """Either ``JRD`` or ``which``, the type to return by default if the request doesn't ask for one explicitly with the Accept header."""
[docs] def template_prefix(self): """Returns template filename, without extension.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def template_vars(self, **kwargs): """Returns a dict with template variables. URL route variables are passed through as kwargs. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _type(self): """Returns XRD or JRD.""" format = request.args.get('format', '').lower() ext = os.path.splitext(request.path)[1] if ext in ('.jrd', '.json') or format in ('jrd', 'json'): return self.JRD elif ext in ('.xrd', '.xml') or format in ('xrd', 'xml'): return self.XRD # We don't do full content negotiation (Accept Header parsing); we just # check whether jrd/json and xrd/xml are in the header, and if they both # are, which one comes first. :/ # accept = request.headers.get('Accept', '').lower() jrd ='jrd|json', accept) xrd ='xrd|xml', accept) if jrd and (not xrd or jrd.start() < xrd.start()): return self.JRD elif xrd and (not jrd or xrd.start() < jrd.start()): return self.XRD assert self.DEFAULT_TYPE in (self.JRD, self.XRD) return self.DEFAULT_TYPE
[docs] def dispatch_request(self, **kwargs): data = self.template_vars(**kwargs) assert isinstance(data, dict) # Content-Types are from if self._type() == self.JRD: return data, {'Content-Type': 'application/jrd+json'} template = f'{self.template_prefix()}.{self._type()}' return (render_template(template, **data), {'Content-Type': 'application/xrd+xml; charset=utf-8'})