Source code for oauth_dropins.twitter_auth

"""Utility functions for generating Twitter OAuth headers and making API calls.

This is a separate module from so that projects like granary can use
it without pulling in App Engine dependencies.

import logging
import urllib2

import appengine_config
import requests
import requests_oauthlib
import tweepy

from webutil import util

[docs]def auth_header(url, token_key, token_secret, method='GET'): """Generates an Authorization header and returns it in a header dict. Args: url: string token_key: string token_secret: string method: string Returns: single element dict with key 'Authorization' """ oauth1 = requests_oauthlib.OAuth1( client_key=appengine_config.TWITTER_APP_KEY, client_secret=appengine_config.TWITTER_APP_SECRET, resource_owner_key=token_key, resource_owner_secret=token_secret, ) req = requests.Request(method=method, url=url, auth=oauth1).prepare() return req.headers
[docs]def signed_urlopen(url, token_key, token_secret, headers=None, **kwargs): """Wraps urllib2.urlopen() and adds an OAuth signature. """ if headers is None: headers = {} # if this is a post, move the body params into the URL. Tweepy's OAuth # signing doesn't work if they're in the body; Twitter returns a 401. data = kwargs.get('data') if data: method = 'POST' url += ('&' if '?' in url else '?') + data kwargs['data'] = '' else: method = 'GET' headers.update(auth_header(url, token_key, token_secret, method=method)) try: return util.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, headers=headers, **kwargs)) except BaseException, e: util.interpret_http_exception(e) raise
[docs]def tweepy_auth(token_key, token_secret): """Returns a tweepy.OAuthHandler. """ assert (appengine_config.TWITTER_APP_KEY and appengine_config.TWITTER_APP_SECRET), ( "Please fill in the twitter_app_key and twitter_app_secret files in " "your app's root directory.") handler = tweepy.OAuthHandler(appengine_config.TWITTER_APP_KEY, appengine_config.TWITTER_APP_SECRET) handler.set_access_token(token_key, token_secret) return handler