Source code for oauth_dropins.facebook

"""Facebook OAuth drop-in.

TODO: implement client state param
TODO: unify this with instagram. see file docstring comment there.
import logging
import urllib.error, urllib.parse

from flask import request
from import ndb

from . import views, models
from .webutil import appengine_info, flask_util, util
from .webutil.util import json_dumps, json_loads

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MIN_APP_SCOPED_ID = 100000000000000

if appengine_info.DEBUG:
  FACEBOOK_APP_ID ='facebook_app_id_local')
  FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET ='facebook_app_secret_local')
  FACEBOOK_APP_ID ='facebook_app_id')
  FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET ='facebook_app_secret')
# facebook api url templates. can't (easily) use urllib.urlencode() because i
# want to keep the %(...)s placeholders as is and fill them in later in code.
GET_AUTH_CODE_URL = '&'.join((
    # redirect_uri here must be the same in the access token request!
    API_BASE + 'oauth/access_token?'
    # redirect_uri here must be the same in the oauth request!
    # (the value here doesn't actually matter since it's requested server side.)
API_USER_URL = API_BASE + 'me?fields=id,email,name,picture'
API_PAGE_URL = API_BASE + 'me?fields=id,about,cover,description,emails,general_info,is_published,link,location,name,personal_info,phone,username,website'
API_PAGES_URL = API_BASE + 'me/accounts'

[docs] class FacebookAuth(models.BaseAuth): """An authenticated Facebook user or page. Provides methods that return information about this user (or page) and make OAuth-signed requests to Facebook's HTTP-based APIs. Stores OAuth credentials in the datastore. See models.BaseAuth for usage details. Facebook-specific details: implements urlopen() but not api(). The key name is the user's or page's Facebook ID. """ type = ndb.StringProperty(choices=('user', 'page')) auth_code = ndb.StringProperty() access_token_str = ndb.StringProperty(required=True) # user_json = ndb.TextProperty(required=True) # pages_json = ndb.TextProperty()
[docs] def site_name(self): return 'Facebook'
[docs] def user_display_name(self): """Returns the user's or page's name. """ return json_loads(self.user_json)['name']
[docs] def access_token(self): """Returns the OAuth access token string. """ return self.access_token_str
[docs] def urlopen(self, url, **kwargs): """Wraps urlopen() and adds OAuth credentials to the request. """ return models.BaseAuth.urlopen_access_token(url, self.access_token_str, **kwargs)
[docs] def for_page(self, page_id): """Returns a new, unsaved FacebookAuth entity for a page in pages_json. The returned entity's properties will be populated with the page's data. access_token will be the page access token, user_json will be the page object, and pages_json will be a single-element list with the page. If page_id is not in pages_json, returns None. Args: page_id: string, Facebook page id """ for page in json_loads(self.pages_json): id = page.get('id') if id == page_id: entity = FacebookAuth(id=id, type='page', pages_json=json_dumps([page]), access_token_str=page.get('access_token')) entity.user_json = entity.urlopen(API_PAGE_URL).read() logger.debug(f'Page object: {entity.user_json}') return entity return None
[docs] def is_authority_for(self, key): """Additionally check if the key represents a Page that this user has authority over. Args: auth_entity_key: ndb.Key Returns: boolean: true if key represents this user or one of the user's pages. """ return super().is_authority_for(key) or any( key == self.for_page(page.get('id')).key for page in json_loads(self.pages_json))
[docs] class Start(views.Start): """Starts Facebook auth. Requests an auth code and expects a redirect back. """ NAME = 'facebook' LABEL = 'Facebook'
[docs] def redirect_url(self, state=None, app_id=None): if app_id is None: assert FACEBOOK_APP_ID and FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, \ "Please fill in the facebook_app_id and facebook_app_secret files in your app's root directory." app_id = FACEBOOK_APP_ID return GET_AUTH_CODE_URL % { 'client_id': app_id, 'scope': self.scope, # TODO: CSRF protection identifier. # 'redirect_uri': urllib.parse.quote_plus(self.to_url()), 'state': state, }
[docs] class Callback(views.Callback): """The auth callback. Fetches an access token, stores it, and redirects home."""
[docs] def dispatch_request(self): if Callback.handle_error(self): return auth_code = request.values['code'] url = GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL % { 'auth_code': auth_code, 'client_id': FACEBOOK_APP_ID, 'client_secret': FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, 'redirect_uri': urllib.parse.quote_plus(request.base_url), } try: resp = json_loads(util.urlopen(url).read()) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: logger.error( raise logger.debug(f'Access token response: {resp}') access_token = resp['access_token'] user = models.BaseAuth.urlopen_access_token(API_USER_URL, access_token).read() logger.debug(f'User info response: {user}') user_id = json_loads(user)['id'] pages = json_dumps(json_loads(models.BaseAuth.urlopen_access_token( API_PAGES_URL, access_token).read()).get('data')) logger.debug(f'Pages response: {pages}') auth = FacebookAuth(id=user_id, type='user', user_json=user, pages_json=pages, auth_code=auth_code, access_token_str=access_token) auth.put() return self.finish(auth, state=request.values.get('state'))
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_error(handler): """Handles any error reported in the callback query parameters. Args: handler: Callback Returns: :class:`flask.Response` if there was an error, None otherwise. """ error = request.values.get('error') error_reason = request.values.get('error_reason') if error or error_reason: error_description = urllib.parse.unquote_plus( request.values.get('error_description', '')) if error == 'access_denied' and error_reason == 'user_denied':'User declined: {error_description}') return handler.finish(None, state=request.values.get('state')) else: flask_util.error(' '.join((error, error_reason, error_description)))